Thursday, January 12, 2012

Romney Condemns the Politics of Envy, Says the Other 99% is Just Jealous

Bugger’s Notch, S.C. Speaking at a campaign stop, Mitt Romney responded to criticism today that he helped create the enormous gap between the rich and everyone else by blaming everyone else. Amid growing attacks on his years as a corporate vulture, Romney lashed out against critics he described as jealous people who just seek to divide the country more evenly. Citing President Obama as an example, Romney said, “Everywhere he goes we hear him talking about millionaires and billionaires. He’s got what, one maybe two mill in the bank? I have over 100 million smackers. It’s obvious, he’s jealous." 

"I like being able to fire people."
Defending his work at Bain Capital, Romney asserted that creative destruction is part of capitalism. “At Bain, we just happened to be more creative.”  He said that it was almost painful to pile debt on a company and pay the proceeds out to Bain, "but how else could we teach the workers we didn't fire to be competitive? If you can’t carry the load, move to Mexico because that’s where your job is going.”

"Okay, so we killed a few people."
Reminding his audience that corporations are people, Romney admitted that Bain’s business strategy may have included a few killings, but he quickly characterized them as mercy killings. “Corporations are people, my friends. They are. And like people, they sometimes have mishaps, like breaking a leg that is too expensive to fix, and then they have to be put down.” A spokesman quickly clarified that the candidate’s remarks were not intended as an appeal for the euthanasia vote.

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