Joshua Nicholson and Maria Silverman in Run For Your Wife (photo by Bella Muccari)
This is an off, off Broadway gem that will chase away the winter blahs for an evening and maybe even the whole week because you'll keep laughing about it that long. Don't let that second off mislead you, Run For Your Wife is a top notch production with some seriously talented comic actors. Written in 1983 by Ray Cooney and playing at The Gallery Players Theater on 14th Street in Brooklyn, it's the story of a London cabby who happens to have two wives, and the lengths he'll go to stop them finding out about each other. The single set, cleverly designed to be two apartments in one (one for each wife,) suggests London's go go days in the 1960s or 70s, a style that is also borne out by some
of the groovy costuming. The show's very talented cast-members run through their lines with the impeccable timing that farce requires, in the process creating hugely funny and memorable characters. While the jokes are funny and suit the situation, so can be a little obvious, it
is the misunderstanding and broad confusion on the stage that makes this
play so hilarious. The plot keeps you guessing how the lead will get out of this one, a task made more difficult by the help of the layabout bum from upstairs and the arrival of rival police inspectors. Excellent performances by the credulous wives and a bit of a mess made by another neighbor, keeps the doors slamming and the story churning. It all makes for a great evening of theater.It's a short ride on the R train out to the theater. Run for Your Wife closes on February 1st, so you better hurry. You will not regret it.
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